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Weighing AI Automation from Kognitos Against Traditional Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Weighing AI Automation from Kognitos Against Traditional Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

In the late 2010s, the business world was buzzing about the potential of a relatively new software category in Robotic Process Automation, better known as RPA. The technology promised a way to help team members automate mundane, repetitive tasks in order to achieve increased business productivity, accuracy, and efficiency, and ultimately, greater job satisfaction for employees. 

Unfortunately, RPA hasn’t lived up to the promises or the hype. Even RPA companies themselves are looking to distance the future of their business from the term, focusing on AI-based alternatives including Agentic Process Automation. With or without the bolt-on AI capabilities, this software segment is experiencing a major shake-up. Although it remains a sizable industry category, the RPA space has plateaued, with many analysts and market indications providing evidence for years that the adoption of this technology is in decline

The demand for more efficient, accessible, and intelligent automation tools is greater than ever. Now, of course, the attention has shifted to how AI can finally deliver on RPA’s promises. Enterprise buyers are desperately seeking AI-powered solutions that can truly increase accuracy, speed, and productivity, while also addressing the new risks that AI has surfaced. 

Kognitos is not RPA, and it is also not simply an iterative improvement on RPA technology. Instead, Kognitos completely changes how organizations automate. Let’s go into more detail comparing Kognitos with legacy RPA tools to better understand the key differences and benefits to enterprise process leaders.

User Experience and Accessibility

You might be surprised to learn that Kognitos not only allows users to generate automations using natural language, but the entire system actually runs using English in lieu of traditional programming languages like Java and Python. This dramatically reduces the learning curve for new users and allows Kognitos to provide an exceptional user experience. Unlike legacy RPA systems that often require specialized developers and extensive training, Kognitos allows business users to create and manage automations with ease. 

RPA attempted to pioneer a world of “citizen development” that also fell short of expectations. Instead of empowering teams to create their own automations without developer intervention, the previous programs simply put more strain on already stretched-thin IT departments when they had to troubleshoot and fix constantly breaking automations. Kognitos’ use of natural language increases accessibility in the sentiment of citizen development, but provides ample opportunities for governance and control, further empowering IT without burdening them. These attributes foster a culture of innovation and collaboration across the organization. 

The stark contrast in user experience is evident in the implementation process. While legacy RPA often demands a team of dedicated developers, Kognitos minimizes this requirement, allowing businesses to leverage their existing talent pool more effectively. This shift not only reduces costs, but also accelerates the adoption of automation throughout the organization.

Implementation and Maintenance

When it comes to implementation and maintenance, Kognitos offers a refreshing departure from the complexities associated with legacy RPA. The total cost of ownership for Kognitos is at least 50% lower in direct costs alone, not considering the additional indirect costs that can pile up with traditional automation solutions. The inherent differences between Kognitos and RPA have a significant influence on both direct and indirect costs.

Perhaps most notably is that Kognitos is serverless, meaning that it does not come with the costs associated with creating, maintaining, and licensing virtual machines (“bots”). This is typically the largest line-item expense of any RPA solution, with some companies charging $10,000 or more in licensing fees per bot, which doesn’t account for the additional fees associated with RPA technology. 

Implementation speed is another area where Kognitos excels. While legacy RPA projects can drag on for months or years, Kognitos enables rapid deployment, allowing businesses to see returns on their investment much sooner. This speed, coupled with lower implementation complexity, means that organizations can quickly adapt to changing business priorities without being bogged down by lengthy development cycles.

To further explain the enormous differences in the implementation, think of RPA development as a paint-by-numbers version of traditional software development. In the usual software development lifecycle, there are a myriad of stages that are required to create, deploy, and update programs in production. RPA is beholden to these same procedures. In fact, RPA vendor pricing models actually force companies to pay for additional tools and applications to complete the entire lifecycle. In contrast, Kognitos does not follow the path of traditional software development nor does the company charge for additional applications to bring automations to production.

AI and Cognitive Capabilities

The integration of nativeAI and cognitive capabilities sets Kognitos apart in the automation landscape. Unlike legacy RPA systems that offer limited AI integration or have simply “bolted-on” generative AI chatbots or assistants, Kognitos boasts native AI capabilities that enable cognitive decision-making and advanced exception handling. This means that Kognitos can tackle complex, unstructured data processing tasks that would stump—or simply break—traditional RPA bots.

One of the most impressive features of Kognitos is its conversational exception handling. When faced with an unexpected scenario, Kognitos can engage in a dialogue to resolve issues, learning from and trusting your team’s expertise to improve its performance over time. This capability, combined with its ability to build long-term corporate memory, ensures that the system becomes more intelligent and efficient with each interaction. It’s commonplace for Kognitos processes to achieve 100% automation, which only occurs in RPA instances when the use cases are extremely simple in nature.

Performance and Integration

In terms of performance and integration, Kognitos leans on its serverless infrastructure to boast unparalleled scalability and flexibility. While legacy RPA systems often struggle with limited sequential processing capabilities, Kognitos can handle unlimited parallel processes, ensuring smooth operation even during peak workloads. Instead of being limited by a number of bots, Kognitos customers can scale to the needs of their business without any delays. 

Integration flexibility is another area where Kognitos shines. Although legacy RPA systems may have an edge in compatibility with older systems, Kognitos offers a more balanced approach, providing high integration flexibility while maintaining compatibility with a wide range of systems. This ensures that businesses can modernize their processes without completely overhauling their existing infrastructure.

Kognitos also strikes a balance between IT governance and business user empowerment. Legacy RPA often imposes strict IT controls out of necessity, however, Kognitos is able to maintain high auditability while providing more freedom to business users. The natural language audit trail is a particularly innovative feature, making it easier for non-technical stakeholders to understand and review automated processes.

It’s Time for Something Better

As we’ve explored the various aspects of Kognitos in comparison to legacy RPA systems, it’s clear that Kognitos represents a sea change in automation technology. By addressing the key pain points of traditional RPA—such as high costs, long implementation times, and limited AI capabilities—Kognitos delivers on the promises of accuracy, speed, and productivity that businesses have long sought from automation solutions.

The use of natural language, rapid implementation, advanced AI capabilities, low total cost of ownership, and superior performance of Kognitos make it an attractive option for organizations looking to outdo the competition.

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  • 75%manual data entry eliminated
  • 30 hourssaved on invoicing per week
  • 2 millionreceipts analyzed per year

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