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Overcome Employee Churn Headaches with Kognitos Corporate Memory

Overcome Employee Churn Headaches with Kognitos Corporate Memory

Employee churn can lead to negative consequences including loss of productivity, gaps in institutional knowledge, and the significant costs associated with hiring, training, and retaining replacement talent. For enterprise organizations, the problem is often compounded when churn damages employee morale, impacts customer satisfaction, and hampers long-term growth and innovation. The ripple effect on the business is undeniable.

Companies that can crack the code of reducing churn are at a significant competitive advantage. Kognitos, a leader in AI-powered business automation, offers innovative solutions to help organizations mitigate the impact of employee churn and maintain efficiency. 

Preserve Corporate Knowledge

When employee churn is an ongoing problem at an organization, one of the most critical issues to address is the loss of corporate memory and institutional knowledge. In many cases, standard processes are largely undocumented. Kognitos addresses this challenge head-on by standardizing and automating standard operating processes, effectively capturing and preserving crucial information. The Kognitos platform uses natural language instructions as “code.” As a result, processes are documented in English, so individuals familiar with them can easily understand how they are executed. 

A large, multinational Fortune 100 corporation recently implemented Kognitos’ solution to automate their complex invoicing process. They faced a situation where a key employee left the organization unexpectedly—and took with them the knowledge and expertise needed to effectively manage the invoice process—ultimately causing disruptions.

Because this organization had Kognitos in place, the process continued running in the background, giving the rest of the team time to onboard and train new employees. The platform was able to retain and utilize institutional knowledge to maintain the current process, as well as provide instruction to the new members. 

Accelerate Employee Onboarding

Kognitos makes it possible to onboard new employees more quickly by providing a centralized location for standard operating procedures. New hires can refer to the Kognitos platform to review processes, reducing training time and improving speed to productivity. 

One of our customers, Century Supply Chain Solutions, uses Kognitos to automate Bills of Ladings for more than 15,000 monthly bills in multiple languages and formats. Rather than documenting a manual process for each of these different formats, Kognitos is able to streamline the human labor required, allowing their employees to spend their time providing service to their customers and perform audits.

Enhance Employee Satisfaction

Kognitos automates routine tasks, allowing employees to focus their attention on strategic, engaging work rather than menial tasks. This shift can increase job satisfaction and reduce turnover within the organization.

Chris Richner, CIO of Norco Industries, provides this compelling example: 

“Kognitos has enabled our company to streamline repetitive tasks, resulting in significant time savings. Our employees now save 10-15 hours per week, and as we continue to expand our automation projects with Kognitos, we anticipate these savings to significantly increase.” 

Rather than focusing their energy on repetitive tasks, employees can engage in more meaningful work, increasing loyalty and satisfaction to the company.

Enable Innovation and Growth

With Kognitos in place, processes are standardized, employee speed to production is improved, and work becomes more purposeful. This naturally leads to innovation and growth. 

Many tech industry giants recognize the potential in a solution such as Kognitos. For example, Wipro, a global technology services and consulting leader, recently partnered with Kognitos to adopt and deploy our generative AI business automation solution within their organization, validating the importance of addressing workforce challenges head-on.

KPMG recently conducted a GenAI survey of 225 executives in companies with revenue over $1 billion. The survey results indicated that the top two objectives driving generative AI adoption are:

  • Revenue growth
  • Increasing productivity

Kognitos is positioned to help organizations achieve both of these business goals significantly faster than the 1-3 years that survey respondents anticipated it would take to see an ROI on their investment. The platform offers a way for organizations to accelerate speed to innovation.

Organizations with cyclical workforce changes—such as retail during holiday seasons or academic institutions between semesters—can benefit even further from Kognitos’ approach to automation. Having standardized, automated processes in place can help these organizations maintain productivity and quality in the face of staffing fluctuations. 

Further reducing the impacts of employee turnover, the platform handles exceptions in conversational English. The system continues to evolve, even as employees come and go, by engaging in a dialogue to resolve any issues that it encounters. It then applies these learnings to future occurrences. 

Avoid the Burn from Churn

Kognitos is working to lessen the impact of employee churn challenges. Using our AI platform solution, your organization can preserve corporate knowledge, accelerate onboarding, enhance employee satisfaction, and drive innovation, allowing for operational excellence despite workforce changes.

Discover the Power of Kognitos

Our clients achieved:

  • 75%manual data entry eliminated
  • 30 hourssaved on invoicing per week
  • 2 millionreceipts analyzed per year

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